How to push custom fields from FluentForms to any Mautic custom field

Startseite » How to push custom fields from FluentForms to any Mautic custom field

What you need:

The obvious things:

Mautic InstallationFluentForm PluginFilezilla

Mautic Fluent Integration:

Like described herePlugin: here

The short of it

1. Create some Mautic custom fields. Alias will be needed later2. Open the file wp-content/plugins/mautic-for-fluent-forms/Integrations/Bootstrap.php from “Mautic Fluent Plugin” in your FTP3. Look around line 1384. Change entries as you wish5. Safe, upload6. Enjoy your new matching possibilities in your integration form.

Bootstrap.phppublic function otherFields()    {        // BIND STATIC CAUSE SOME FIELDS ARE NOT SUPPORTED        $attributes = [            “title” => “Title”,            “firstname” => “FirstName”,            “lastname” => “Last Name”,            “company” => “Company”,            “position” => “Position”,            “phone” => “Phone”,            “mobile” => “Mobile”,            “address1” => “Address1”,            “address2” => “Address2”,            “city” => “City”,            “zipcode” => “Zipcode”,            “country” => “Country”,            “fax” => “Fax”,            “website” => “Website”,            “facebook” => “Facebook”,            “foursquare” => “Foursquare”,            “googleplus” => “Googleplus”,            “instagram” => “Instagram”,            “linkedin” => “Linkedin”,            “skype” => “Skype”,            “twitter” => “Twitter”,            “betreff” => “Betreffzeile”,            “body” => “Mailbody”                    ];        return $attributes;    }